Sunday 30 March 2014

The Chiang Kai Shek Memorial Hall

Today, it was the last day of the "Pandas Exhibition" at the Chiang Kai Shek Memorial Hall so I decided, come what may ever I have to see the little Pandas ^^ 

After the déluge of yesterday, I was not at all in the mood of going out...but since it was the last day to see the little pandas..I gathered all my strength and courage and took the MRT (local subway). 

I had never seen so much of crowd in the MRT ever...there were like everywhere..and it was very hot outside (nearly 29°C)....When I got in the metro, I could hardly move in the metro..and since Asian are know to be a bit short..I could see till the end of the train haha..not to bully the Taiwanese fellows but most of them are short ^^ Some completely disappeared in the crowd and resurface out of no where!!! Fortunately, the metro in Taipei have air conditioning supplies which was like heaven in this hot weather...I wish Paris could learn this from Taipei...AC is everything!!! It makes the journey so smooth, believe me :)

As I got down of the MRT, the first struggle was to find the right way...most of the signs were in Chinese..but I am so smart  that I found my way (even though I searched the god d**n place for 25 minutes).

When I finally got to the memorial (thanks to GPS), I was amazed to see the architecture of the memorial. Blue and White are my favourite colours and put together for me is like the perfect match ^^

This memorial is actually a homage to the first president of Taiwan : Chiang Kai Shek. As walked further in the memorial, the pretty gardens and the white buildings just calms you down...You feel really peaceful until you see the stairs --'

The stairs reminded me only the exhausting climbing of the Elephant Mountain yesterday...So I decided to remain on the ground and visit arround...^^ But my curiosity went all over me and took my left strength to climb up the stairs :)

This is where you realise...IT WAS WORTH CLIMBING !!! :)

Even though it is a memorial, it is a very joyful place to be. You can see the children having some fun around and the grown ups doing some romance :) You can also get the chance to see some random performances like baton or dance or even music :)

Then, I entered the Memorial to meet M. Chiang :) He was sitting, smiling at the visitors paying him respect. 

So I also paid my respect to the first President of Taiwan :) 

And he kept smiling on the crowd..but my smile just fade away when I saw this :


After this mild shock, I went on visiting the memorial...most specifically the museum underneath the memorial..and I saw this :

I was so marvelled by this piece of collection that I stayed nearly 10 minutes to admire this beautiful presidential car :) I wish I had one of these...Even our French President's car look like a wreckage compared to this :p

After filling my eyes with this beauty,  I went to meet the little pandas outside..

It's amazing, you can find art everywhere in Taipei...This one from far is the best I have ever seen. Small little pandas everywhere in the memorial :) They were looking so cute !!! I couldn't stop looking at them :)

This memorial is so big that I couldn't do it all in a day...I will definitely go back to visit Chiang Kai Shek Memorial Hall :)

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