Thursday 24 April 2014

Some western food...

Hello Everyone, I hope you liked the new design of the blog :)

Last night, I went to attend a friend's birthday dinner and as she is German, we decided to have dinner in a German restaurant.

At first, I was quite impressed by the decoration. The terrace was really tempting but the weather was not cooperative so we ate inside ^^  As we were sat at the table, the number of boys and girls were equal and somehow it looked more like speed dating night rather than a birthday dinner :)

When I opened the menu, I went trough the numerous variety of food the restaurant offered...they almost had everything, from salads to pasta, even soup...I was really wondering if it was really an authentic German restaurant. I decided to go for the salmon platter, which was sounding really delicious...and a glass of white wine.
Here is my salmon platter :

There was some smoked salmon and salmon cake some kind of weird roll...The sauces though were interesting, I tasted the horseradish sauce which very succulent..a tinge spicy but really nice with the fish.

As I tasted the smoked salmon, it was tasteless...yeah...tasteless...Normally, smoked salmon is salty but this one had no taste (no salt, nor fish taste)...And the fish was extremely cold, this is when I started thinking that the salmon had been defrosted before serving...Especially, went you get a crunch where you are not supposed to get any...The smoked salmon was frozen, I was quite upset with that...

The rest of the food was nothing special, compared to what I am used to eat...Being a big fan of salmon, I have tried in many forms (sashimis, tartare, fried, pan fried, steamed, smoked...)...I was expecting something better in a German restaurant...especially for the price I paid. 

The only nice thing was the white wine I had along with the meal. Very fruity, just the way I like it :)

Overall, this German restaurant was not as satisfactory as I was expecting it to be. Even the night market can provide food of better quality and FRESHNESS...

It is definitely a restaurant I will never step in ever again. 

However, I had a very nice time with my friends. We laughed, talked about so many things. It was a great evening. 

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